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Here you can find several projects that contributed as a herpetologist or zoologist

Comparative temperature sensitivity of locomotor performance in urban and rural populations of snake-eyed lizards (Ophisops elegans).

The study aims to determine temperature patterns and locomotor performance in urban and rural populations of Ophisops elegans, with fieldwork at Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus and Afyon’s Frig Valley. Measurements will include thermal preferences, substrate temperatures, and various abiotic factors, analyzed spatiotemporally. Laboratory work will evaluate the lizards’ locomotor performance, thermal tolerance (CTmax and CTmin), and morphological traits. This research will provide insights into the thermal adaptations and ecological responses of O. elegans, aiding in conservation and management efforts.


Cross‐species testing of microsatellites in the genus Anatololacerta (Squamata: Lacertidae) and determination of contact zones

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This research project focuses on analyzing the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of five Anatololacerta species using microsatellite markers. By examining A. anatolica, A. pelasgiana, A. ibrahimi, A. finikensis, and A. danfordi, the study aims to uncover gene flow and the size of contact zones between these species. Fieldwork will also involve discovering new populations to better understand the geographic distribution and gene flow within and between species, marking the first use of microsatellites for genetic analysis in this genus.


Population genomics of Parvilacerta parva and determining its distribution range via Ecological Niche Modeling

In this research, we aim to determine the possible gene flow(s) interactions among the dwarf lizard populations. For this purpose, we use fundamental population genomic methods together with high density RAD sequencing data to characterise genomic signatures of selection. In addition to genomic analysis, ENM is performed to compare species distribution range from Last Glacial Maximum to present.

DNA ipliği

Investigation of spatio-temporal thermal patterns of three lizard species in Phrygian Valley (Afyon-Kütahya)

Biology of poikilothermic animals like reptiles are remarkably dependent on the temperature dynamics of their environment.  Phrygian Valley is a kind of natural laboratory to observe the effects of biotic an/or abiotic factors on the model lizard species. Therefore, our aim in this research was to understand the thermal patterns of these symbiotic species.


Investigation of Herpetofauna Elements in Specially Protected Environmental Areas (SPEA)

This project was supported by Ministry of Enviroenment, Urbanization and Climate Change. Six herptile species were determined as model organisms. Our major aims for this project are to measure the home range size of these organisms, how much area they use in SPEA, thermal patterns of each herptile species.


Monitoring and protection of Sea Turtles

This project was supported by Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. Three turtle species have been monitoring for quarter century under the organization of EKAD. Our major aims for this project are to track population dynamics of Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas and Trionyx triunguis. In addition to that,  protecting their nesting habitats and providing public awareness are also aimed in terms of this long term project. 


 Biodiversity inventory studies

This type of project was carried on in several cities, that covers the whole province or specific areas, where its biodiversity elements have not been uncovered yet. Due to Anatolia Peninsula has not been explored completely in terms of faunal research, each field trip has a potential to observe an organism to be novel to the study area or entire region.

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